Do I Need to Call The Police After a Fender Bender in Fort Worth?

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With thousands of car accidents occurring yearly, most people know they need to call the police. When car accidents occur, it is crucial to have police at the accident scene. This is true when the accident is major. However, many people are confused if they should inform the police or file a report after a minor fender bender. 

Minor accidents mainly do not cause injuries or property damage, making the victim confused if it is crucial to file a claim. If you get into a car accident, ensure to contact a Fort Worth Personal Injury Attorney

What does the law state?

According to Texas law, it is mandatory to report a car accident to law enforcement under the following circumstances: 

  • The injury occurred due to the accident to anyone. 
  • Property damage incurred exceeding $1,000. 
  • Someone dies in the accident. 

If you fail to report your car accident after meeting the criteria above, you can face a fine and imprisonment. 

Why is it crucial to report a fender bender accident?

You may wonder if it is unnecessary to report the accident if you do not meet the above criteria. However, lawyers always suggest reporting the accident, no matter how minor it is. One of the primary reason includes injuries. 

Sometimes injuries do not show up right after the accident. A whiplash or any other injury may not be visible on the same day. However, it can show up after a few days, weeks, or even months following your accident. If you do not have a police report, it can be tricky to prove that your injuries resulted from the accident. 

The insurance company does not grant compensation easily. You will have to prove your injuries occurred from the accident, or else the company will be quick to prove your injuries are from something else. 

Therefore, as soon as you get into a fender bender, ensure to call the police and report your accident. If the police do not arrive due to your accident being minor, you can visit the nearest police station and file a report yourself. Ensure to request a copy of the police report, as you will need it in case you want to file a claim for your injuries later. 

Remember, the reports consider crucial information about the accident, and it serves as vital evidence when seeking financial compensation for your personal injury claim.



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